Sunday, May 18, 2008

Our First Post

So it seems that almost everyone in the family is into the whole blogging thing, so I figured I would give it a try. My mom created one for the family and said that we could add onto it, but I wanted to create one for our own family. So as of right now, we're both out of school for the summer and just working. We've got a trip to California planned with Jesse's parents at the end of June and then whatever other trips come our way. Then come the Fall time, Jesse will go back to school and I will just continue to work full time. Jesse will graduate in the fall of 2010 in Geology and then I will try and go back to school once he's done. And that's what's going on in our lives right now.


Darin H. said...

It will be fun to stay in touch through your blog. I thought I would be the first one to comment but it looks like your mom beat me to it. I guess that's how it should be.

Heather said...

I'm so excited that you're blogging! I've really had a lot of fun peeking into my siblings' lives. It's a great way to stay in touch.