Sunday, July 6, 2008

San Francisco

These guys were cool. They were spray painted in silver paint and then music was playing and they were acting like they were robots. One person put a quarter in one of the cups that they were holding and he threw the quarter out. I went and put a dollar in one of the cups and the guy on the right grabbed my hand, kissed it and gave me a heart lollipop and then started dancing to the music.
We also went to Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39. It was fun to go there because there were tons of things going on and good places to eat. Even though I really don't care for sea food, I still tried it and enjoyed it.
Here we are at the Golden Gate Bridge. We were going to walk on the bridge, but it was too cold and no one wanted to walk that far.
This is one of the trolley cars and we never did ride on one because there were always tons of people riding them.
And this street was a zig zag street. All the other streets were just normal streets and straight down, but this one was zig zag and straight down. And we drove the hummer down this street and everyone pointed at us as we drove down the street. And I'm pretty sure we lost most of the brakes in the hummer after going down the streets of San Francisco.

Our next stop was San Francisco. I expected California to be warm, but that wasn't the case in San Francisco. It was so cold everyday that we were there. Every morning that we woke up was foggy and it felt like early Spring time in Utah. But we all still had fun.


Sonja said...

It looks cold. But it is a really fun place to be. I can't wait to see all the rest of the pics. It looks like you are having fun.

Sonja said...

A hummer?? Eric was wondering if you had a picture of the hummer.