Wednesday, April 8, 2009

First Week Home

So the first week home has been an adventure. It seems like all I do is feed and change diapers and get a few naps in while the little guy sleeps. I know for sure that Kaiden doesn't like to have his diaper changed and every once in awhile he will let me know he doesn't like it changed by peeing once his diaper comes off. The other day I gave him a bath and had him all wrapped up nice and clean in his towel and he had a little gas, well when I pulled the towel off he had pooped in the towel. And once I had him all changed and picked him up and realized my shirt was wet. Jesse noticed that my shirt was wet and was laughing and I soon realized that I hadn't put his diaper on right. Even though these little things have happened, Kaiden is a joy. He's starting to be more alert and responsive and stays awake more during the day! YEAH!!! He gets bigger and stronger every day and I enjoy spending every day with him.

1 comment:

Sonja said...

I just have to laugh with you!! It is such a spiritual,adventurous,exciting, tiring time in your life.