Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas, New Year and a busy 9 month old!!

So, again, this year we went home for christmas. It was a fun couple of weeks being able to spend time with both families. We did get sick for a few days, it wasn't fun, but we got over it just before christmas. We didn't do anything for new years, but my family came down for a few days and I took pictures of my sister. Kaiden is now 9 months old, it goes by way too fast. We took him to the doctor because he had been having a runny nose and ended up doing his 9 month check-up at the same time. He's 18 lbs 10 oz and 28 inches long. A few weeks ago he was 19 lbs, but he is all over the place and we were at my parents house and he had a lot more places to go than just our tiny apartment. Over all, it was a fun break and we are still enjoying it until Jesse goes back to school on the 11th!

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