Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snuggle Time

Jesse and Kaiden were playing on the couch the other day and I couldn't resist taking a few pictures. Those two always have fun playing together. I love to see Kaiden when he sees his dad walk through the front door when he's done for the day. He loves his dad and he gets a smile on his everytime he sees him walk through the door.Kaiden is not a big snuggler, but when he wakes up from his naps, he will sit with one of us for a few minutes and just snuggle and try to wake up. I love it and enjoy every minute that I get to snuggle with my little boy!

1 comment:

Holly said...

Oh, I can't believe how BIG Kaiden is now! What a sweetie. I love it when they get a little more snuggly. You guys are so cute!