Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sunny Day

So, it's been awhile since I have updated this blog. I update my photo blog pretty regularly, but I forget to do this one. I have no idea who still keeps up with this blog, I never get any comments, so I never know who checks it out. We are all doing really well. Jesse is just about done with this semester. Once he is done, he has a week to get things together before he leaves for 5 weeks on his Geology Field Camp. 5 weeks doesn't seem like a long time, but for me and having to take care of a baby, seems like a long time. I haven't quite decided what I want to do during that time. I would really like to go through all our stuff and either decide to keep it, donate it or just trash it!! I really want to get things in order before December because once Jesse graduates, I have no idea what is in store. Kaiden is growing up. He is now 13 months and figuring out how to walk. He's starting to walk pretty well just around the house and getting 6 new teeth all at the same time. During the months of March and April, I took photography classes from a photographer here in the valley. I really enjoyed the classes and learned so much. I have put together a photo blog and you can check that out here! It's been fun learning how to take certain types of pictures and actually learning what my camera can do. I will try and keep this updated more. The summer should be fun and full of tons of pictures!!

1 comment:

Heather said...

What a sweet picture. He's a darling little guy. I'm impressed that you're going to go through your stuff. That's motivation!